
In order to assist researchers in conducting academic surveys, Survey Research Operation and Development (SROD) was established in 1993 by CSR. SROD is devoted to the collection of high-quality survey data and the development of state-of-the-art survey technology. At the beginning of its establishment, SROD mainly assisted in the implementation of in-person and telephone surveys. In order to enhance the quality and efficiency of data collection, SROD established a CATI Lab in 1996, added a CAWI system in 2007, and then used a CAPI system to conduct in-person surveys in 2011. Since 2012, we have developed our own multi-mode computer-assisted interviewing system (CAI system), which includes CAPI, CATI, CAWI, and CARI systems, and also has the functions of a survey dashboard and CAI DataSis system. In addition, CAPI is compatible with both Windows and Android operating systems (tablet and smart phone apps); and both the CAPI and CAWI systems offer the function of responsive web design (RWD). We also lease the CAI software system to researchers and organizations outside CSR.

SROD aims to continuously improve the quality of survey data and be devoted to the development of standardized and institutionalized survey procedures. Since 2005, we have applied the ISO 9001 standard to the quality management system of telephone surveys. In April 2006, we obtained ISO 9001 certification by BSMI of the Ministry of Economic Affairs; then following the renewal of the ISO standard in 2008, we gained the new ISO 9001 standard certification again in 2009.


Current software and equipment used include the following:

  • CAI System: it includes CAPI, CATI, CAWI, and CARI systems.
  • Tablets: we have around 100 tablets for in-person and self-administered surveys.
  • Focus Group Room: SROD is equipped with a focus group room.


We assist in conducting in-person,  web, and mixed-mode surveys. We also implement cognitive interviews, and focus group discussions. From project proposals and survey implementation, to project reports, SROD provides customized, high quality, and advanced services as follows.

  • Consultation: survey, sample and questionnaire designs and survey implementation
  • Budget planning
  • Sample design
  • Sample weighting
  • Questionnaire design
  • Project management
  • Interviewer recruitment, training and management
  • Data collection
  • Data processing
  • Project report

To request SROD’s services on data collection, please include the following in the application: research topic, research design (including study subjects, expected sample design and sample size), and estimated budget.

  • For consulting services regarding in-person surveys:

    Operations manager: Meng-Pei Chang
    Phone: 02-27871830 or Email:

  • For consulting services regarding  web surveys:

    Operations manager: Fang-Yu Su
    Phone: 02-27871836 or Email:

Research and Development

SROD aims to improve the quality of survey data and to invest in the development of survey methods and technology, including:

  • Optimizing survey implementation
  • Improving efficiency of data collection
  • Reducing total survey error